Merge Excel files into one online

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How to merge 2 Excel sheets step-by-step

This instruction explains how to merge two Excel files or sheets into one.
Imagine that you need to combine 2 following worksheets into one table:
Workers worksheet
Sample worksheet
Sales worksheet
Sample worksheet

1. Open your files on

To start using this tool you need to open your files on this page. Drop your file into FILE 1 area or select it on disk by clicking Open button. Also, you can paste your data from clipboard into the worksheet. uses clipboard as a universal way to exchange data.
After file are opened, has following look: with opened worksheets
If your worksheets are in the same file, you need to select worksheet using combo box below the worksheet window.

2. Select heading rows and key columns

Merge Tables operation requires a key column(s) in both tables.
Why? For every row in FILE 1, xlCompare needs to find a corresponding row in FILE 2. Values in key columns identify the row in table. So, key columns define pairs of matching rows in FILE 1 and FILE 2.
Heading Rows usually contain field names in table. This information is also used by xlCompare to find matching columns.
Heading is optional. Merge Tables command can work without it.
In our example tables with selected Heading and Key Columns look like this:
Workers worksheet
Workers worksheet on
Sales worksheet
Sales worksheet on

3. Use Merge Tables command to get the results

After you've opened files or pasted your data and selected key columns, you need to click the Merge Tables command and xlCompare gives you the result.
In our example result looks like this one:
Merged Tables on
All the columns from FILE 2 are moved into FILE 1 and values are inserted into the corresponding rows.
If you don't need some columns - select them in this table and delete with a right click menu, exactly as you are doing this in Excel.
Delete item in the Context Menu

4. Save merged table

xlCompare uses clipboard to export data into the spreadsheet application you have on your computer - Excel, Numbers, etc.
Use the Copy command above the FILE 1 table to copy the merged table into the clipboard and paste it into Excel to edit or save on disk.

5. Repeat this operation for other worksheets

If you need to merge more than one worksheet - select another worksheet in FILE 2 area and repeat the steps described above.
In our example, we've merged third worksheet with other key columns:
Personal Info worksheet
Personal Info worksheet on
Key field for this worksheet is EMAIL
Merge three worksheets on

6. Video instruction on how to merge Excel tables

Merge two Excel sheets online - Watch on Youtube

Merge Excel Files with xlCompare

Desktop Excel merge tool is a professional solution, you can use to merge Excel files on your computer. With xlCompare you can merge Excel files you have on your computer or combine two worksheets into one or do version control on your Excel files.

Merge two worksheets by key columns

Let's look at how xlCompare merges Excel worksheets, used in the previous example.

1. Drop your files into xlCompare

xlCompare displays Excel files side-by-side to give you the best layout to work with 2 Excel sheets at once.

2. Select key columns and headings

In some cases, xlCompare detects that your table has headings and keys, however if you don't see highlighted key columns - you need to select them manually by clicking on the Key area in the column heading.
In our example default selection was ID is a key column on the Workers worksheet. We need to merge Workers and Sales by Name, not by ID. So, we've changed ID to standard column and set Name as key column on both worksheets.
Now worksheets with selected keys and headings look like on this image:
Two worksheets in xlCompare

3. Use Merge Sheets command

Go to the Merge tab on the ribbon and use the Merge Sheets command to get the results:
Two merged worksheets in xlCompare
To save this Excel worksheet on disk - click the save button above the sheet. Desktop xlCompare tool saves Excel files on disk, so you don't need to transfer your data through clipboard.

Merge Excel files cell by cell

Imagine that you have two worksheets with similar data, and you need to merge only some cells.
In this case, xlCompare is perfect solution for you:

1. Open your files in xlCompare

In our example we've loaded two simple worksheets into xlCompare.
Two sample worksheets in xlCompare

2. Optional step: select key columns and headings

Now this step is optional. You will be able to merge Excel sheets cell by cell without selecting keys and headings. However, if you are working with database tables - this step is required to get accurate results.

3. Use Compare Sheets command

This command opens comparison report for you. In this report you see all the differences between two worksheets.
Compare two worksheets in xlCompare
3.1. Merging Cells
Every changed cell has merge command in the left part of the cell area:
Merge cells command in xlCompare
Click this command and cell value including formula and formatting is copied into another worksheet.
Two merged cells in xlCompare
You can select a range of cells and copy them in one go, by using Merge command in one of the cells.
3.2. Merging Rows and Columns.
Every new row and column on the worksheet have Merge command in its heading:
Merge two rows in xlCompare
Click merge command and this row will be copies into the corresponding worksheet:
Merged rows in xlCompare

Merge Excel worksheets in one click

To merge all cells and all rows in one click, you need to get the comparison report as in the previous topic.
After you have comparison results on your screen, go the Merge tab on the ribbon and use one of the following commands:
  • Insert Rows from Left: copy all new rows from the left file into the right one.
  • Update Cells from Left: copy all changed cells into the corresponding cells in the right sheet.
  • Insert Rows from Right: copy all new rows from the right sheet into the left one.
  • Update Cells from Right: copy all changed cells from the right sheet into the left sheet.

Merge three Excel files

If you are doing version control on your Excel worksheets, this feature is an ultimate benefit.
xlCompare is a tool that allows you to compare three Excel files.
Imagine, that you have two versions of an Excel file that was modified by 2 users. In xlCompare you can see and merge all the changes by comparing both versions of this worksheet vs. base version.
This feature is often requested by developers, for example in the game development companies, who keep their Excel files in GIT, SVN, Perforce and other version control applications.
In this case xlCompare is used as diff and merge tool for Excel files.
Merge three files in xlCompare

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