Commands Reference
Options Reference
Updated on: April 5, 2023

Welcome to xlCompare Help Library

xlCompare is a utility for comparing and merging Excel files. It can save you a lot of time and resources spent to comparing and validating your spreadsheets.
xlCompare has a lot of options you can use to achieve the best comparison results on your Excel files.
You can seamlessly find matching and unique rows in your worksheets, filter specific segments of data, and create presentation reports.
xlCompare makes complex things simple!

Using xlCompare

Primary functions of the xlCompare

xlCompare is an application that find differences in Excel files. It solves a variety of tasks that are based on the spreadsheet comparison:
  • merge Excel files
  • get duplicates in two Excel worksheets
  • get mismatching rows in two worksheets
  • compare several columns in Excel files
  • external diff viewer for third-party applications
In addition to the functions listed above, xlCompare provides following features for free:
  • Compare XML files for differences
  • Evaluate Formula Logic in Excel files
In this context FREE means, that function doesn’t require xlCompare license. It works even if xlCompare evaluation license has expired.

List of supported file formats

xlCompare supports following file formats:
  • XLS
  • XLSX
  • XLSM
  • XLA
  • XLAM
  • CSV
  • TXT
  • XML

Open file in xlCompare

There are several ways to open Excel files in the application:
  • Drop your files into xlCompare from Windows Explorer
  • Using File | Open File command in the menu
  • Using Browse For File button on the FILE1 or FILE2 panel

Save file in xlCompare

To save your file on disk use one of the following methods:
  • File | Save command in the menu
  • Save and Save As buttons on the FILE1 and FILE2 panels

Compare Excel files

Step-by-step instruction how to compare two Excel files for differences:
  • Open your files in xlCompare
  • Check if Primary Keys are set correctly
  • Use File | Compare Files command in menu or F6 hotkey
  • xlCompare shows you Comparison Wizard window
  • Make sure that worksheets are grouped correctly
  • Complete the wizard by clicking Compare button
  • Get the difference report

Compare Excel sheets

Step-by-step instruction how to compare two Excel worksheets for differences:
  • Open your Excel file(s) in xlCompare
  • Select worksheet you would like to compare in the left and right panels
  • Check if Primary Keys are set correctly on both worksheets
  • Use File | Compare Sheets command in menu
  • xlCompare shows you Comparison Wizard window
  • Complete the wizard by clicking Compare button
  • Get the difference report

Compare three Excel files

  • Enable 3-File option that is present on the Compare tab on the ribbon. Now xlCompare shows you 3 panels to open your workbooks.
  • Drop 3 files you would like to compare into appropriate panels.
  • Get the difference report.
When you compare 3 files xlCompare doesn’t show Comparison Wizard where you can change worksheet grouping and comparison strategy.

Merge Excel files

Get the comparison report for selected Excel files using the instructions above.
Select Merge tab on the Ribbon
Use one of the following commands to populate your worksheet with data from other file:
  • Update Cells From Left
  • Insert Columns From Left
  • Insert Rows From Left
  • Update Cells From Right
  • Insert Columns From Right
  • Insert Rows From Right

Setup Primary Keys

Primary Keys is an important feature in the xlCompare. It is responsible for getting accurate results.

Mark column as key

  • Select column on the worksheet
  • Right Click on the heading
  • Use Key Column command in the context menu

Clear key

  • Select column on the worksheet
  • Right Click on the heading
  • Use Standard Column command in the context menu

Clear all keys on the worksheet

  • Select all the worksheet area by clicking on the top left part of the heading
  • Right Click on the column heading
  • Use Standard Column command in the context menu

Mark row as heading

  • Select row on the worksheet
  • Right click on the heading
  • Use Heading Row command in the context menu

Clear heading row

  • Select row on the worksheet
  • Right click on the heading
  • Use Standard Row command in the context menu

Sort the worksheet

  • Select columns you would like to use as key values for sorting
  • Right Click on the column heading
  • Use Sort | Ascending or Sort | Descending commands in the context menu

Open previous session

xlCompare remembers previous comparisons, including all the settings applied to the worksheets. To back to one of the most recent sessions, do the following:
  • Use Recent Icons command on the Compare tab on Ribbon
  • Select the session you would like to reopen
  • Double click on this item in list
  • xlCompare reopens this session and gives you difference report

How to activate xlCompare

After your evaluation period expires, you should order a license. Use instruction below to activate the software on your computer:
  • Select Help tab on the Ribbon
  • Use Activate command
  • Press Order Ref# button
  • In the opened window enter your email and order ref# number (password from your Spreadsheet Tools account)
  • Press Complete button
  • You should get a message from xlCompare about successful activation

Transfer xlCompare to another computer

After you change your computer, you should not order xlCompare license again. You can use your existing license on the new computer.
To transfer your license, do the following:
Login to your account in the Spreadsheet Tools Customer Area in your browser using this link:
your login is e-mail used to order xlCompare
your password is your order reference number
Select the Activations page
If your new computer has same name as previous one:
Copy existing Activation Key into your xlCompare
If your computer has another name:
Remove the activation you have for the unused computer by pressing the X button near Activation Key.
Repeat the activation using the instructions above.
Where to find your Computer Name
  • Open Windows Explorer
  • Select ThisPC node in the folders view
  • Right clink on ThisPC node
  • Select Properties command in the context menu
  • DEVICE-NAME field contains your Computer Name

Commands Reference

xlCompare uses Ribbon to display menu commands and options.
This section contains list of the menu commands that are present in the xlCompare application.

Compare Menu

Compare menu

Compare Files

Compares 2 opened files (Excel workbooks, XML files) for differences and presents comparison report.
If there are at least one empty worksheet on the screen, xlCompare opens Select 2 Files window or Select 3 Files window, depending on the option Compare 3 Files.
When every panel contains a non-empty Excel file, xlCompare displays Comparison Wizard window. After completing the Comparison Wizard, you are presented with a difference report.

Compare Sheets

Compares 2 or 3 selected worksheets (depending on the Compare 3-Files option) for differences and presents you with a comparison report.
When using this command, you are getting Comparison Wizard window, where you to confirm the comparison options. After you complete this wizard xlCompare displays you a comparison report.

Compare Folders

Displays Compare Folders window. After you select two folders to be compared application gives you a comparison report that present you with a different files found in the selected folders.
If you select Include Subfolders switch in the Compare Folders window, all the subfolders are included into comparison.


Displays Options window. Please, refer to the Options section that describes all the application options.

Manage Columns

Displays Manage Columns window. Manage columns window allows to:
  • Show\Hide columns
  • Ignore columns
  • Link one column with column on the other sheet
  • Setup a vocabulary for the column
Please, refer to the Manage Columns window for the more detailed information.


Enables or disables Compare 3 Files option. Button reflect enabled 3-File option with a pushed state.
When Compare 3 Files option is selected, xlCompare shows additional panel, when you can open third file for comparison.

Display Results

Displays Difference Report panel on the bottom part of the application window. Difference Report contains complete structured list of all differences found in the selected files.
This command allows to show or hide the Difference Explorer panel. By default, Difference Explorer is hidden.
Please, refer to the Difference Explorer section for the more detailed information.

Recent Items

Displays list of the previous comparisons.
xlCompare remembers all parameters of the comparison, including:
  • primary keys
  • hidden columns
  • ignored columns
  • linked columns
  • vocabulary
When you are reopening the recent comparison in the xlCompare all the settings specified above are applied to the workbooks.
To open recent comparison, double click on the selected item or select it and press Open button.

All Cells

This command is active in the comparison report only. Displays all cells in the comparison report.

Matching Rows

Displays only rows with all equal cells, on the worksheets. This command is active in the comparison report only.

Updated Rows

Displays only rows that contains at least one changed cell, on the worksheets. This command is active in the comparison report only.

Unique Rows

Displays only rows, that doesn’t have matching row on the corresponding worksheet. These rows are presented with green and red color in the report. This command is active in the comparison report only.

Mark Changes with Color

Copies cell formatting options, applied to cell in the comparison report (updated cell, changed style, inserted row, and deleted row) permanently.
After you exit from the comparison report all cells remains their highlighting.
If you apply this command with Extended View option active, value of every updated cell is added to the value of the original cell. This changes numeric values to their string representation and may affect the formulas.

Create Report

Creates outlined report that presents all differences found in the compared workbooks. Report is shown in the form of the Outlined Report window.
Please refer to the Outlined Report window for more information.

Export PDF

Displays Print Preview window with all the highlighting applied to cells in the comparison report.
Print button in the Print Preview window saves report into PDF file on disk.

Close Report

Exits from the Difference Report mode. All cells on the worksheet receives their original formatting options. Color highlighting for the different cells is removed.
This command closes Difference Explorer window.

Merge Menu

Merge Menu

Display Commands

Turns on or off merge commands in the updated cells and in the unique rows and columns. This command represents state of the Display Merge command option.

Merge Files

Selects two Excel files and merges contents of the left file into corresponding worksheets on the right file.
This command doesn’t compare Excel files for differences. It just copies data from the left file into the right one.

Merge Sheets

Copies all cells from the left worksheet into the bottom of the right sheet.

Merge Folder

Merges all files in the specific folder into one file. Data is merged in the worksheets with similar names.
This command is a Merge Files command applied to all Excel files withing one folder.

Update Files

Compares two opened Excel files for differences and applies all changes in the left file to the right one.
All updated cells are applied to the right file.
All the new rows in the left file, that doesn’t have corresponding rows in the right one is copied into the right file.

Update Sheets

The same command as Update Files but applies to the selected worksheets only. All updates made in the left worksheet are applied to the right sheet.

Insert Rows from Left

Copies all new rows from the left file into the right file.

Insert Columns from Left

Copies all new columns from the left file into the right one.

Update Cells from Left

Copies values and formatting of all updated cells from the left file into right one. This command processes only values of the changed cells. Cells in the unique rows are not processed.

Insert Rows from Right

Copies all new rows from the right file into left one.

Insert Columns from Right

Copies all new columns from the right file into the left one.

Update Cells from Right

Values from all updated cells in the right file are copied into the left file including their formatting. Every merged cell is highlighted with color.

Undo Merge

Reverts all merge commands that was applied to compared files. Every cell receives its original value and formatting.

Extract Menu

Extract Menu
These commands are applicable in the comparison report mode only. After command is allied, xlCompare exits from the comparison report.

Unique On Left

Removes all equal and updated rows on the left worksheet and leaves only unique rows. Right worksheet is not modified.

Unique On Right

Removes all equal and updated rows on the right worksheet and leaves only unique rows. Left worksheet is not modified.

Matching On Left

Leaves matching and updated rows in the left worksheet and removes all unique rows, that doesn’t have a corresponding row in the right file.

Matching On Right

Leaves matching and updated rows in the right worksheet and removes all unique rows, that doesn’t have a corresponding row in the left file.

Remove Unique Rows

Removes all unique rows on both worksheets. This command leaves only rows that have corresponding row on the other sheet.

File Menu

File Menu

Open File 1

Select file on disk and open it in the left (FILE1) panel.

Open File 2

Select file on disk and open it in the right (FILE2) panel.

Save File 1

Save file opened in the left panel (FILE1).

Save File 2

Save file opened in the right panel (FILE2).

Save All

Save all opened files on disk.

Print PDF 1

Exports left file into PDF format. If this command is applied in the comparison report mode, PDF file receives color highlighting that is allied to every updated and new cell in report.

Print PDF 2

Exports right file into PDF format. If this command is applied in the comparison report mode, PDF file receives color highlighting that is allied to every updated and new cell in report.

Close File 1

Close File 2

Closes file opened in the right panel (FILE2). If file was changed, xlCompare asks you to save a file before it is closed.

Close All

Closes all files opened in the xlCompare.

View Menu

View Menu


Displays worksheets in the xlCompare window.


Displays names, defined in the opened Excel files. This command hides the worksheet window and displays list of the defined names.


Displays information about all tables in the opened workbooks. All columns that are defined in the tables are reflected in this window.


This command is applicable only when one of the opened files is in the XML (VML, HTML) format.
With this option is selected, xlCompare displays XML file in a form of tree control that reflects hierarchical structure of the file.
If XML option is turned OFF, xlCompare uses alternative representation of the XML file – outlined worksheet, that also reflects the structure of the XML document.

VB Project

Displays contents of the Visual Basic projects in the opened Excel files. xlCompare displays code modules and forms with controls in this window.


Displays Zoom window that changes zoom in the selected files.


Sets zoom to 100% in all the opened Excel files.

Left Panel

Turns ON or OFF left panel in the application. State of the panel is reflected by the command icon.

Right Panel

Turns ON or OFF right panel in the application. State of the panel is reflected by the command icon.


Activates first difference in the comparison report. xlCompare selects cell in the worksheet view and item in the difference explorer (if this window is visible)


Selects previous difference in the list.
If difference represents updated cell xlCompare selects cell on the worksheet and item in the Difference Explorer window.
If difference represents new row or column – xlCompare selects entire row or column and appropriate item in the Difference Explorer window.


Selects next difference in the list.
If difference represents updated cell xlCompare selects cell on the worksheet and item in the Difference Explorer window.
If difference represents new row or column – xlCompare selects entire row or column and appropriate item in the Difference Explorer window.


Activates last difference in the comparison report.

Format Menu

Format Menu
This tab contains set of standard command that allows to change cell formatting options, including the:
  • Font name
  • Font size
  • Font attributes
  • Text Color
  • Fill Color
  • Cell Border
  • Text Alignment
  • Number Formatting


Merges contents of the cells in the selected range


Reverts last modification made on the worksheet.


Repeats last modification, that was reverted with Undo command.

Commands Menu

Commands Menu

Split Columns

Divides text on the selected columns(s) by specific delimiter. Places portions of the text into the next right cells.
This command asks you for the delimiter you would like to use to divide cell values into parts.

Join Columns

Joins several cells in the row into one leftmost cell using specific delimiter.
This command asks you to provide a delimiter used to join cell values.
Resulting value will be a test string. All numeric values are converted into text strings.

Text to Numbers

Converts numbers stored as text strings into numeric values.

Remove Spaces

Trims cells on the selected worksheet. xlCompare removed leading and trailing spaces in every cell that contains text value.

Remove Empty Rows

Removes all empty rows on the selected worksheet.

Remove Hidden Rows

Removes all hidden rows on the worksheet. If rows were hidden by applying auto filter command. They are also removed from the worksheet.

Table Menu

Table Menu

Edit Primary Keys

Displays Primary Keys window that allows to select and clear primary keys on all the worksheets in all opened workbooks.
This window allows to check order of the primary keys selected on the worksheet.
Refer to the Primary Keys window for more information.


Applies Auto Filter command on all selected worksheets.
Auto Filter command creates a table that takes all the used range on the worksheet and creates a filter button for every column.
If worksheet already have auto filter table, new table is not created.
This command allows to create a virtual auto filter table when you are working in the comparison report more.
After you exit from the comparison report this virtual table is removed.

Sort Rows A..Z

Sorts rows on the worksheet in the ascending order. Rows are sorted by selected columns. If now columns are selected on the worksheet, command is not applicable.

Sort Rows Z..A

Sorts rows on the worksheet in the descending order. Rows are sorted by selected columns. If now columns are selected on the worksheet, command is not applicable.

Unhide All Rows

Unhides all rows on the worksheet by cancelling all filters in all tables on the sheet, unhiding all rows that where hidden by user and switching comparison filter to All Cells.

Tools Menu

Tools Menu


Opens Print Preview window that shows worksheet (all or selected worksheets) from the active file.
In the Print Preview mode, you can send document to printer.
If this command was applied in the comparison report mode preview window contains color highlighting that was applied to cells on the worksheet.

Find and Replace

Displays Find and Replace dialog that is identical to find window in the Microsoft Excel application.
It allows to find cells with specific value and to replace contents of string with other values.

Go to ...

Opens GoTo window. Provide an address you would like to select and xlCompare will select is for you.
If selected address belongs to the hidden area on the worksheet – row or column is hidden, xlCompare unhides this portion of data to displays the value.

Recalculate All

Recalculates all formulas in all Excel files, opened in xlCompare.

Evaluate Formula

Displays Evaluate Formula window. This window allows to explore formula logic by dividing the formula into sub-expressions. You can drill-down into the calculations in this window.
Refer to the Evaluate Formula Window topic for more information.

Trace Precedents

Displays precedents of the selected formula in a hierarchical tree form. This is alternate representation of the precedents in the Excel workbook.

Display Errors

Displays all cells that contains error values.
In this window you can export list of errors or evaluate value of every error cell usinig the Evaluate Formula window.

Run Macro

Runs VB macro that is stored in a file on disk.


This window is used by Spreadsheet Tools engineers for remote debugging.

Help Menu

Help Menu


Opens Help page on the xlCompare website in browser.


Opens Spreadsheet Tools YouTube channel in your browser.


Checks website for updates. If update available, you are navigated to the download page on the xlCompare website.

Contact us

Opens contact form on the xlCompare website.
Use this form for all types of questions: technical support, bug reports, requests for demo and for sales questions.


Opens Activate window where you can activate your copy of xlCompare.
Refer to the Activate window for more information.


Opens Order page on the xlCompare website in browser. This page contains pricing information, ordering questions and instructions on how to activate the software.


Selects language for the xlCompare main window. After you change language in settings you need to restart the xlCompare, so changes will take an effect.


Displays version information, copyright, and status of your xlCompare license.
If your license is Evaluation or Expired, xlCompare allows you to enter Activation Key to activate the software.

Context menu reference

Context menu
Context menu is a popup menu shown by xlCompare when you right click on the cell, row heading or column heading on the worksheet.


Copies contents of the selected area into clipboard. After data is pasted original range is cleared.


Copies contents of the selected area into clipboard.


Paste data from the clipboard into selected range of cells.

Evaluate Formula

Display Evaluate Formula window for the selected cell.
Refer to the Evaluate Formula window for more information.
This command is available ONLY if selected cell contains formula.

Trace Precedents

Displays Precedents window for the selected cell.
This command is available ONLY if selected cell contains formula.

Trace Error

Displays Evaluate Formula window for the selected cell and automatically expands all error sub expressions in this window.
This command points you to the source of the error value.
This command is applicable to the formulas that produce error value only.

Commands Menu

Commands Menu

Split Columns

Split text values in cells in the selected area into parts by using delimiter.
Portions of the values are pasted into cells from the right of the selection.

Join Columns

Joins values of the selected cells into one value, that is inserted into left most cell of the selection.
Values are joined with a delimiter you should provide for this operation.

Convert Text to Numbers

Converts all text string into their numeric equivalents in the selection.

Remove Spaces

Removes leading and trailing spaces in all cells in the selected area.

Remove Menu

Remove Menu

Empty Rows

Permanently removes all empty rows on the selected worksheet.

Hidden Rows

Permanently removes all hidden rows on the selected worksheet.

Save Menu

Save Menu

All Rows

Saves all rows on the worksheet into other file on disk. Hidden rows are saved and appear as hidden in the new file.

Only Visible Rows

Saves only visible portion of the worksheet data. Hidden cells are not copied into the new worksheet.

Manage Columns

Displays Manage Columns window for the selected worksheet.
Refer to the Manage Columns window to get more information.


Displays Application Options window.
Refer to the Options topic to get more information on the options present in xlCompare.

Commands that are visible on the Column Heading only

Column Heading Menu

Key Column

Marks selected column(s) as Primary Key. Primary Key is used to identify rows on the worksheet, when xlCompare compares Excel tables.

Standard Column

Marks selected column(s) as Standard. Standard columns are not used to identify rows as matching. xlCompare uses is to compare cell values only.
Current state of the column is reflected with a checkmark icon in the appropriate menu item.

Ignored Column

Mark column as Ignored. Ignored columns are visible, but not considered, when xlCompare looks for the differences on the worksheets.

Link With

Binds one column in Left file with another column in the Right file. xlCompare will compare cells in one linked column with corresponding cells in the other linked column.
This command allows to bind two columns with different names or when application is not able to identify that columns represent the same data.

Insert Column(s)

Insert columns into selection.


Delete selected columns from the worksheet.


Hide selected columns.


Unhides columns between two selected columns. If all worksheet area is selected xlCompare unhides all columns on the sheet.

Sort Menu

Sorts rows on the worksheet, by values of the selected columns in the ascending order.
Sorts rows on the worksheet, by values of the selected columns in the descending order.

Commands that are visible on the Row heading only

Row Heading Menu

Heading Row

Marks selected row(s) as heading. Heading row is usually a row that contains field names. It is used to identify and align columns on the worksheet.

Standard Row

Marks row as Standard. Standard row is a usual row that contains data to be compared.

Insert row(s)

Insert row(s) into selection.


Delete selected rows.


Hides selected rows.


Unhides all rows between two selected rows. If all worksheet area is selected – this command unhides all rows on the sheet.

Windows Reference

This section explains all the windows that are used in xlCompare for various purposes.

Activate Window

Activate Window
Activates copy of the xlCompare on your computer.
Opens Order page on the xlCompare website in browser.
On the order page you find detailed information about pricing and instructions how to order a license.
If you already have xlCompare license, you should not use this button.
Order Ref#
Activates xlCompare on-line by entering your e-mail and order reference number. This is the easiest method of activation.
This button opens Activate Online window.
Please refer to the Activate Online topic for more information.
Activation Key
Activates xlCompare by entering the Key. Use this option if you have a key that unlocks the software.
This button opens Enter Activation Key window.
Please, refer to the Enter Activation Key Window for more information.
Activate Later
Closes Activation Window and backs you to the xlCompare main window. This button interrupts the activation process.
More information on the activation process you can find on the xlCompare website:

Activate Online Window

Activate Online Window
Activates xlCompare by entering your registration email and order reference number.
Enter your email, used to order xlCompare into this field.
Order Ref#
Enter your order reference number.
If your account was created by Spreadsheet Tools stuff, you don’t have order reference number, but you have a password from your account.
Enter your password into this field.
Cancels the activation and closes this window.
Completes activation and gives you a message about successful or failed activation, in case if credentials you’ve provided are not valid.
Activate Later
Cancels the activation process.

Compare As

Compare As window
Assigns comparison strategy to the selected pair of worksheets.
xlCompare allows to select following strategies, that defines how rows are aligned on the worksheet:
General Worksheet
This method represents general case, when order of the rows on the sheet is important and rows are aligned by the best match.
Excel Table (Compare by Key)
Rows are aligned by the value of Primary Key columns.
Columns are aligned by the values of the heading row or by the best match in the content.
Worksheet with outline
This algorithm is applicable to the worksheets that have outlined rows. Groups of rows defines structure that should be used to align rows within groups.
1-to-1 comparison
All rows and columns are aligned 1 to 1.
Applies selected algorithm to the pair(s) of worksheets.

Comparison Wizard

Comparison Wizard
Displays all the items to be compared by xlCompare in the opened files.
xlCompare groups items (sheets, modules, forms) into pairs. Every pair is processed by the application independently from other ones.
This window is a place where you should select what will be compared in your files.

3 types of compared items

xlCompare separately selects compared data. Comparison Wizard window contains 3 groups represented with Tabs:
  • Worksheets
  • VBA Modules
  • VBA Forms
This allows you to select what would you like to compare. If you are going to do a complete comparison you can select all the tabs and all VBA modules and forms.
However, this window allows to exclude any portion of the items to be compared.

Compare As

xlCompare has different strategies (comparison algorithms) used to align rows on the sheets. Compare As column displays name of the algorithm, that is assigned to this pair of sheets.
Every strategy is reflected in the list with icon assigned to pair of worksheets.
Compare As button opens the algorithm selection window.
Refer to the Compare As topic for more information.
Adds pair of available worksheets to comparison. Of there are no available worksheets you are not able to complete this command.
Removes pairs of worksheets (VBA modules, VBA Forms), this is selected in the list from the comparison. Deleted items are added to the lists of available items on the bottom of each tab.
Edit Keys
Edits primary keys in all workbooks opened in the xlCompare.
Refer the Edit Primary Keys window for more information.
Select All
Selects all items in the list.
Exclude All
Excludes all items in the list from comparison.
Delete All
Deletes all items from the list. All worksheets (VBA modules, VBA forms) are added to the appropriate available items lists.

Exclude item from the comparison

Every item shown in this wizard can be in the included or excluded state. Included items are marked with check icon before name.
Included state means that this pair of objects will be compared for the differences. Excluded items are present, but not compared.
Check\Uncheck checkbox on the heading of the list to check or uncheck all items in list in single click.
If you compare two workbooks with a lot of worksheets and need to focus only on several sheets and ignore others – you need to uncheck the items you don’t need in this list.
Closes this window without comparing the workbooks.
Closes wizard and compares items that are checked in the list.

Compare Folders

Compare Folders
Selects folder to be compared by xlCompare.
Full path to the first folder. Select folder on your computer using the […] button.
Full path to the second folder. Select folder on your computer using the […] button.
Wildcard mask that is used to filter files in folder. Be default *.* mask is used to compare all files.
Include Subfolders
Includes subfolders into comparison. With this option disabled, xlCompare doesn’t go in-depth and just compares files in two opened folders.
Closes this window and compares files in the selected folders.
Folder are imported into xlCompare window as two outlined worksheets.
Comparison results are represented in a form of two compared sheets with highlighted changed files.
Every changed file is presented with a hyperlink in a cell.
By clicking on the hyperlink, you open comparison report for this file in the separate instance of xlCompare application.


Enter Activation Key

Enter Activation Key window
Unlocks the software with Activation Key.
Enter Activation Key you have into the field on this window.
Cancels the activation and backs to the previous window.
Completes the activation process. You should receive a message about successful or failed activation.
Activate Later
Cancel the attempt to activate the software.

Evaluate Formula

Evaluate Formula window
Displays formula logic in a form of the tree control. That displays hierarchy of the calculations in this form.
Tree control allows you to drill down into the calculations in your sheet starting from the selected cell.

Context menu commands

Opens find bar to enter range of cells you would like to find in the selected branch.
Trace Calculation
Opens Evaluate Formula window for the selected cell\range in a separate window.
Trace Precedents
Opens Trace Precedents window for selected cell.
Display All Formulas
Removes contents of the current calculation tree. Displays all formulas in this workbook in this window.
Export List
Exports selected branch into text file and saves it on disk.

Manage Columns

Manage Columns
This window contains all options that are applicable to the columns on the opened worksheet.
Name of the column on the worksheet.
Value of the appropriate cell in the heading row on this worksheet. Usually, it represents field name in table.
Value in this column can be empty.
Checked if column is hidden. If you check value in this column, you change visibility state of the column in the worksheet.
To check\uncheck all the columns click on the heading of this column in list.
Checked if column is ignored from the comparison.
Ignored columns are visible, but not included into comparison process.
They are marked with icon in the heading and shown with muted text.
If this column is linked with column on the other worksheet this column displays name of the linked column.
If this value is empty – this column is not linked.
Displays dictionary applied to this column to replace its values with another ones.
Select All
Selects all items in list.
Link | Set
Displays Link Columns Window to select a linked column.
Link | Clear
Clears linked column for the selected columns.
Dictionary | Assign
Assigns dictionary to the column.
Dictionary | Clear
Clears dictionary for the selected columns.
Applies changes made in this window to the worksheets. This command hides and shows columns, marks them as ignored and establishes selected links.
No changes are made in the worksheet until you press the Apply button.

Link Columns

Link Columns
Displays corresponding worksheet and selects column that should be linked with the current one.
Links column selected on the worksheet with a column for which this window is shown.
Names of the source column and target columns are reflected in the caption of this window.

Outlined Report

Outlined Report window
Report window displays comparison report, that was exported into the Excel workbook with outlined worksheets.
Report contains following sheets:
  • Summary
  • Report
  • Unique Rows
  • Updated Cells


Displays list of compared files and total count of differences of each type.


Contains list of compared worksheets in each file.
Displays number of differences of each type in all the worksheets and total number of differences found.

Unique Rows

Rows that were identified as unique grouped by the worksheets.
Every row contains original address in the column A and data from the worksheet in other cells, starting from B.

Updated Cells

List of all updated cells, grouped by the worksheets. Every cell contains address in the columns A and F, and original and modified values.
If formulas were changed, this worksheet contains text of the changed formulas.
Outline button on the left side of the window collapses and expands groups of rows that belongs to specific worksheets.
Copies contents of the report into clipboard.
Export to XLSX
Saves outlined report on disk as XLSX file.

Primary Keys

Edit Primary Keys window
Displays and edits primary key columns and rows on all worksheets in opened Excel files.
List of the Excel files opened in xlCompare. Select file in this list to view\edit keys in the worksheets, contained in this file.
List of the available worksheets with selected Primary Key columns and Heading Rows.
This list allows single selection. Selected worksheet is shown in the Sheet window on the right from list.
Sheet window
Contents of the worksheet, that is selected in the Worksheets list.
Clear Keys
Clear all primary keys on the worksheet.
Set as Key
If column(s) are selected, xlCompare adds them to the primary key columns on the selected worksheet.
If row(s) are selected, xlCompare adds them to the list of Heading Rows on the worksheet.

Recent Comparisons

Recent Items window
Displays list of the most recent comparisons.
xlCompare remembers all settings in the selected pair of worksheets, including hidden columns, ignored columns, primary keys, dictionary, and linked columns.
To open selected comparison, do the following:
  • Double click on the item
  • Select item in list and press Open button
You can open recent item even if current comparison is opened.
If comparison report is opened in xlCompare, it will be close before new comparison is started.
Close list of the recent items without reopening the comparison.

Select 2 files

Select 2 files
Selects 2 Excel files to be compared.
Path to file opened in the left panel (FILE1)
Path to file opened in the right panel (FILE2)
Optional string, that can override default caption on the left and right panel. This string will be shown instead of FILE1 and FILE2 strings, that are used by default.
[…] buttons
Browses for Excel file to be opened on your computer.
Proceed to opening selected files in the xlCompare.
After files are opened successfully, xlCompare shows you Comparison Wizard window with default selection of the compared worksheets and primary keys.

Select 3 files

Select 3 files
Selects 3 files to be compared.
This window is used by xlCompare only if option 3-Files are active on the Compare tab.
Path to file opened in the left panel (FILE1)
Path to file opened in the middle panel (BASE)
Path to file opened in the right panel (FILE2)
Optional string, that can override default caption on the left and right panel. This string will be shown instead of FILE1, FILE2 and BASE strings, that are used by default.
[…] buttons
Browses for Excel file to be opened on your computer.
Proceed to opening selected files in the xlCompare.
After files are opened successfully, xlCompare automatically runs the comparison and presents you with a difference report.
In this mode, xlCompare doesn’t show Comparison Wizard window.

Zoom window

Zoom window
Sets zoom percent, that is applied to all workbooks in the application.
Percent Scale
Move the slider to adjust zoom percent.
Predefined Zoom Buttons
Sets fixed zoom percent.
Applies selected zoom to the xlCompare panels.

Options Reference

xlCompare is a complex tool that has a variety of parameters, that change application behavior.
This section contains detailed information on every option, that is used in xlCompare.
How to view\edit options
There are several methods to open Options window:
  • Options command on the Compare tab on the Ribbon
  • Ctrl+T hotkey combination
  • Options command in the Context Menu on the worksheet


General Options

Automatic comparison of opened files

When this option is turned ON, xlCompare immediately starts the comparison when you open second Excel file in the application.
After you drop second file into xlCompare window you get the Comparison Wizard window.
If you would like to start the comparison manually, turn this option OFF.

Compare files from common ancestor

This option opens third panel in the xlCompare. With this option turned ON, xlCompare requires 3 Excel files to be opened for comparison.
Compare Files and Compare Sheets commands doesn’t start until you have 3 workbooks opened.
Default value for this option is OFF – application compares two Excel files for differences.

Align Compared Columns

If worksheet you are comparing have different order of columns, this option forces application to put corresponding columns in the same order on both worksheets in the Comparison Report.
Order of the columns is built using the right(central) file as a primary(master) worksheet.
With this option turned OFF, worksheets preserve original order of columns in the Comparison Report.

Extended View

In the extended view mode xlCompare displays original and modified value in the same cell. Modified value is shown with a muted text color.
This option makes browsing differences simpler. You don’t need to look for the value of the corresponding cell. But in this mode every row with changed cells gets two times more space.

Display Difference

This option is applicable to xlCompare only with Extended View option.
If this option is turned ON, xlCompare displays difference with corresponding value below every original numeric value.
If option is turned OFF, xlCompare puts modified value below the original one.
This option has no effect on the application if Extended View mode is disabled.

Flexible Comparison

When you enable this option, empty cells, cells with spaces and cells with zeros are treat as equal by the xlCompare.
Use it to reduce number of the unimportant differences.
Default value of this option is OFF – xlCompare thinks that empty cell and 0 is different values and highlights these cells in the comparison report.

Recalculate Formulas

xlCompare contains calculation engine (Spreadsheet Core) inside. xlCompare is able to work like Microsoft Excel and recalculate formula values after every modification or by the user request.
By default, calculations are disabled, they are not needed to compare two Excel files. But if you would like to recalculate formulas in your files, you can turn this option ON.

Display Notification

After executing every comparison command xlCompare shows you a message with short description of the results. In case if you have no differences in your files – you will get a message Workbooks you are comparing are identical. If Excel files are different – you will see number of the differences found.
By default, this option is enabled, however if you don’t like this message. Just turn OFF this option.


Comparison Options

Select data processed by xlCompare:

xlCompare allows you to select what will be compared. You can exclude hidden cells, cell formatting options like text color and border from the comparison.
When this option is selected, formulas are included into comparison. When two cells with formulas are compared, xlCompare compares text and structure of both formulas. If you turn this option OFF, xlCompare will not compare text of the formulas in cells.
Calculated Values
xlCompare process not only text of the formula but value, that is a result of this formula also.
This option allows you to exclude results of the formulas from comparison and compare only text of the formulas. You may use this feature when workbook contains RAND or similar functions and values are changed after every calculation.
Entered Values
When this option is selected, xlCompare compares contents of the constant cells. Cells that don’t have formulas.
In you exclude this option xlCompare will analyze only cells with formulas and ignore input cells.
Hidden Columns and Hidden Rows
xlCompare allows you to decide whether to process hidden data in your worksheets. You may hide some rows and columns to exclude this data from the comparison. This is a way to filter data you would like to compare.
By default, this option is turned OFF and hidden data is excluded from the comparison. If you would like to look for the differences in the hidden data also, you can enable this option.
Please, refer to the Manage Columns topic to see how to hide columns on the worksheet in xlCompare.

Compare cell formatting options:

xlCompare allow you to decide if you would like to compare cell styles. Below are style options you can include into comparison:
Background Color
Number Formatting
Text Align
Text Color
By default, cell formatting is excluded, because it may produce a lot of comparison noise. But if you would like to locate colored or bold cells on your worksheets – you need to enable these options.


Rules Options

Key values having N or less different characters are identical

If you are working with worksheet that has table structure with Primary Keys columns, this option defines how keys values on you sheets are flexible. By default this option is set to 0, and key values are compared for the exact match. But if data you are working with, contains typing errors or exported in the other format - this option gives you ability to treat keys like 0000-1111 and 00001111 identical.

Rows that begin with N equal cells are identical

Primary aspect of the comparison is to align rows properly. For this case xlCompare uses key values or other comparison strategies.
In case if data in cells are different, xlCompare should decide, if this is matching rows with different data or is absolutely different (unique) rows. This option is one of the rules, used by xlCompare to make a choice.
Default option is 2. If two rows contain at least 2 equal cells on the beginning – they will be considered as matching.

Rows having N or less different cells are identical

This is another criterion that is used to align rows on the worksheet. This is something like a limit, that defines which rows can be marked as matching. By default, this option is set to 3. If two rows have not more than 3 different cells and other cells are equal, they will be marked as matching.

Case-insensitive comparison

xlCompare doesn’t take string case into account when compares string cells. For example, values like Street and street are identical. This is default behavior. If you require more precise comparison and capital letters are important – turn this option OFF and xlCompare will point to all such differences.

Ignore space characters

If this option is turned ON, xlCompare ignores space characters in the string cells when comparing data. Strings like A A and AA are identical. This allows to ignore trailing spaces that may appear during exporting and aligning cell values.
If you want to detect all such differences – turn this option OFF and xlCompare will not exclude space characters from the comparison.

Ignore Error Values

If you are worksheet contains error values, like #REF this option allows to ignore them. If one of the two corresponding cells contains error values – cells are not processed and not included into the comparison report.


This is a precision used to compare numeric values. It allows you to ignore minor changes in the numbers. For example, sales value was changed from $100.01 to would like to ignore it – setup precision like 0.005 and this difference will be ignored by xlCompare.

Ignored Symbols

xlCompare allows you to ignore some characters from the text strings. For example, you’ve exported value from database and get a result like this one: John Smith and John_Smith. Default behavior is to treat such values as different. But if you add _ character to the list of ignored characters – both strings become identical.


Database Options
All options in this group are applicable to xlCompare only if you are comparing database tables with Excel table (Compare by Key) strategy.

Highlight Primary Keys

When this option is turned ON, xlCompare highlights key columns and key columns by modifying their fill color.
This improves visual indication of the Key columns and heading rows.

Frees Primary Keys

If this option is turned ON, xlCompare freezes Primary Key columns and heading rows on the worksheet, so they become always visible when you scroll the sheet.
By default, it is turned OFF.

Sort Tables

If you enable this option xlCompare will sort your tables by primary key before comparison and you will get your comparison report sorted.
Also, worksheet is left sorted after you exit from the report mode. It is sorted permanently.
This improves visual representation of the data that have table structure.

Allow moved rows in the database tables

If worksheet data you are working with contains several rows with identical value of the key, this option defined if xlCompare should take order of such rows into account.
By default, xlCompare allows to mix rows with same value of key. This is normal situation for most of the database tables, where all records are independent.

xlCompare links columns on the worksheet

xlCompare need to align columns on two worksheets – determine which columns are equal and which ones are different.
Default value of this option – align columns by names. This is best solution. Usually, columns in database sheets represent fields and every field name is present in the first row.
However, if you have a worksheet without field names you can change this option and link fields by their index.
Please refer to the Link Columns command to get instructions on how to “bind” two mismatching columns.


Text Options
Options in this group are applicable to text and CSV files, opened in xlCompare.

Text file delimiter

When xlCompare opens text file, usually it represents set of values delimited with a specific character.
This option allows you to define delimiter that separates two values in the string.

Display Text Import Wizard

xlCompare has a Text Import Wizard that is shown when you attempt to open the text (TXT) file. In this Wizard you need to select a delimiter used to divide text line into set of values.
If you are working with data in the same format, you can setup delimiter in the options (Text file delimiter) and use this option to ignore the Wizard. xlCompare will use same options silently on the opening of every file.

Highlight tables in CSV and Text files

CSV file is just a text, but it contains table that can be filtered or sorted. So, xlCompare formats it as auto filter table, by highlighting heading row and adding filter button to the columns.
If you don’t like the formatting, you can disable this option.


Format Options
xlCompare uses color formatting options to identify changes between two worksheets in the comparison report. The formatting options used, are subset of the cells formatting options that are available in the Excel application.
xlCompare has following categories of differences that are highlighted in report:
Inserted rows\columns
Deleted rows\columns
Edited constant cell
Cell with changed calculated value
Cell with changed formatting
Resolved cells
To modify the formatting for each group click on the sample area or use … button near the sample.
For each of the groups you can set following formatting options:
Fill color
Border color
Text color
Bold font
Italic font
Strikethrough font

Display Trend

If this option is turned ON, xlCompare displays tendency icon near every changed numeric cell. Tendency icon indicates increase or decrease of the value in comparison to the value of the corresponding cell.
Red down arrow means that value of this cell is bigger than the corresponding value.
Green up arrow means that value of this cell is less than the corresponding value, so value was increased.


Merge Options

Display merge commands

Shows merge commands on the worksheet in the Comparison Report mode. Merge command is a small icon with arrow that copies cell value into the corresponding worksheet.
By default, merge commands are hidden. Turn on this option if you would like to merge changed cells on the worksheet.

Mark changes when merging

Highlight every merged cell with cell formatting options, applied to this cell in the comparison report.
If your cell has orange formatting in the comparison report, merge operation will assign same cell style formatting to the destination cell.


View Options

Hide equal and excluded sheets and modules

When this option is turned ON, every worksheet that doesn’t contain changed cells is not shown on the worksheet tab in the Comparison Report mode.
When this option is turned ON every Visual Basic Module and Form that doesn’t contain changed lines of code and changed controls is not shown on the navigation tab.
When this option is turned OFF – all worksheets and VBA Modules and Forms are visible.
This option is applicable to xlCompare only in the Comparison Report mode.

Display column names

xlCompare displays columns names – A, B, C, … or columns indexes – 1, 2, 3, … This option defines what would you see in the columns heading on the worksheets view.

Display hidden sheets

xlCompare displays hidden worksheets on the worksheet tab if this option is turned ON. Hidden worksheet is marked with icon, that indicates that sheet is hidden in the workbook.

Synchronize selection

When this option is turned ON, xlCompare performs following operations synchronously on all opened worksheet:
  • Select range of cells
  • Scroll worksheet up or down
  • Apply filter
  • Sort rows
  • Set primary key
  • Hide column

Ignore protection

Allows xlCompare to select protected cells on the worksheet. By default, this option is turned ON. Comparison operations require to select all changed cells on the worksheet in the comparison report mode, including the protected ones.

Conditional formatting

Enables or disables conditional formatting on the worksheets. Disabled conditional formatting allows to open Excel filter more quickly, without updating cells affected by conditional formatting rules.

Highlight errors

Highlight cells that contains error value with fill color and bold font. By default, this option is turned ON. This makes error values more contrast among other cells on the worksheet.

Display status bar

Hides or shows status bar in the application. By default, status bar is hidden.

Link Sheets

Link Sheets Options
xlCompare scans two Excel files and links all worksheets into pairs to be compared. This option defines criteria used by xlCompare to link worksheets:

by Index

worksheets are linked in the order they exist in the file.

by Name

worksheets with equal names create a pair to be compared.

by Code Name

worksheets with equal value of the Code Name property are linked into pair.


Zoom Options

Apply this Zoom to all opened workbooks

Defines Zoom percent that overrides Zoom setting in the workbook. With this option turned ON, xlCompare applies specified Zoom percent to every loaded file.


Window Options

Switch color formatting for left and right panels

Changes panel appearance in the application main window. Panel that is supposed by display FILE1 and receives green formatting for new rows, is placed on the right side. Panel that displays FILE2 is moved to the left side of the window.

Caption for the Left Panel

Provides are new caption for the Left Panel, that overrides FILE1 text.

Caption for the Right Panel

Provides new caption for the Right Panel, that overrides FILE2 text.

Difference Explorer

Difference Explorer is a panel in the bottom part of the xlCompare window, that displays all the differences found by xlCompare in a form of structures list.
All differences are grouped by type in the Difference Explorer.
Layout of the Difference Explorer is fixed and can’t be changed.
Difference Explorer
Note: Difference Explorer is hidden by default. Apply Display Results command on the Compare tab to open this panel.

Difference Legend

Legend in Difference Explorer
Left part of the Difference Explorer window contains difference legend – short summary of all the differences.
xlCompare displays the highlighting sample used on the worksheet with description of the data that receives this formatting in report.
Every sample displays count of the differences of this type, that is present in report.
Click on every sample selects appropriate radio button and filters differences of this type in the list.

3 lists of differences

Tabs in Difference Explorer
Difference Explorer window consists of 3 tabs:
  • Sheets
  • Vba Modules
  • Vba Forms
All differences found by xlCompare are divided into changes found on sheets, in the VBA macros and on the VBA forms. Every group of these differences is presented by its tab on the report.

Select changed item in the xlCompare

To be pointed to the context of the modification on the worksheet, select item in the Difference Explorer.
xlCompare opens appropriate worksheet and selects range that represents this modification. For the updated cell you will have this cell and its corresponding cell selected.

Command line

xlCompare can be used in the command line mode.
Command line arguments allow to integrate xlCompare into other application as extern diff viewer row XLSX\XLSM\XLS’\CSV\XML file formats.

Compare two Excel files

xlCompare.exe [file1] [file2]
xlCompare.exe /mine:[file1] /base:[file2]
xlCompare.exe /1:[file1] /2:[file2]

Compare three files

xlCompare.exe [file1] [file-base] [file2]
xlCompare.exe /mine:[file1] /base:[file-base] /their:[file2]
xlCompare.exe /1:[file1] /2:[file-base] /3:[file2]

Additional Command line parameters

Open workbooks and perform automatic merge. In case of conflicts merge operation fails and you get conflict list on the screen.
Work in the console mode without interface.
Close the xlCompare application, after you exit from the comparison mode. This option is useful for using xlCompare as excel diff tool in other application. After you've finished working with comparison report the application is closed
Test passed workbooks for possible conflicts in the merge operation.
/titleMine:[title string]
/title1:[title string]
Use this title instead of path to the FILE1 (left workbook). You can use this option to specify alternate path. When file was downloaded from repository into temporary folder, this option allows to display "readable" file name.
/titleBase:[title string]
/title2:[title string]
Use this title instead of path to the BASE workbook. You can use this option to specify alternate path. When file was downloaded from repository into temporary folder, this option allows to display "readable" file name.
/titleTheir:[title string]
/title3:[title string]
Use this title instead of path to the FILE2 (right workbook). You can use this option to specify alternate path. When file was downloaded from repository into temporary folder, this option allows to display "readable" file name.
/output:[file path]
After merge command is completed, results are saved in the file, specified in the file-path parameter.
Save comparison report in the file, specified in the report-file parameter.

Using xlCompare in a batch mode

Use this mode to compare several excel files in one go and get the comparison report for all processed files. You can use it from the bat file or from any other application, that allows to call xlCompare.
Use xlCompare in BATCH mode. In this mode application compares set of excel files passed to the input and saves difference report in the XLSX file (as output).
xlCompare expects following command line syntax:
xlCompare.exe /batch /console [file-path] /r:[report-file]
Where the file-path argument specifies path to workbook that contains list of compared pairs of excel files.

Contact us

To get technical support, report issues you have with the software and for all other questions, please contact us by e-mail: or by using the Technical Request Form on the xlCompare website: