How to filter cells on the Excel sheet

Compare 2 worksheets and get the results is only a part of the services offered by xlCompare. When you see results in the Difference Browser next step is to work with them - validate, format, edit, add comment or smth else. This job will not be complete without Filter feature.

On this screenshot we've highlighted button which executes Filter command. But please note, it is applicable only to the worksheets. If you've compared smth else - VBA Modules or Forms - there is nothing to filter.

Filter command allows you to see only duplicated data, or only changed cells, or exclude duplicates and display only "new" data.

Now try to run this command - you are getting this window:

We allow to select one of the predefined filters. Now we'll display them in detail:

Changed cells. If you have a large worksheet you don't see all changed cells (highlighted with yellow color) on the screen. This filter allows you to get only changed data on your screen. So, you can see what was actually changed.

New cells (added and deleted rows). This filter has another explanation - exclude duplicates. All duplicates in the comparison report are not marked at all (equal rows) or appear as changed rows (when key is the same, but something in row was changed). This filter allows you to hide duplicated rows (key is present on the both sheets) and display rows which doesn't have corresponding items on the another worksheet.

When filter command is applied, it's button is marked with red color. This means that filter is active. To stop filtering and display all data again, you should use Cancel Filter button on the Filter Window.

See Also:

How to find duplicate rows on the Excel worksheets

How to remove duplicate rows on the Excel worksheets